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Sandy’s gone yet the chaos left in its wake continues to reverberate in our lives. We have all lost something. At worst, lives have been lost. At best, we’ve lost a sense of security. In between, we’ve lost homes, income, cars, trees, sleep, ease of transportation, comfort, food, and chunks of our sanity. How do we find peace and a semblance of order knowing how vulnerable our lives are to powers beyond our control?

I offer the following admonition as a vehicle for peace and a semblance of order during this and any time of upheaval;

“Talk to yourself in two languages – what do I fear and what do I love – in order to balance ….” —Peter Shepherd

Some facts, whether we like them or not:

1. What we fear has happened.
2. It will happen again, what with climate change and unusually consistent extreme weather.
3. Weather events are beyond our control.
4. Severe weather events bring up understandable fear and have the capability of causing real and lasting damage.

When we become mindful of our fears we can begin to assess what it is we love that may be at risk. When we focus on what we love we can begin to design actions capable of protecting what we love given the information available. For instance, most of us love a heated home in cold weather. If our heat source depends on electric, what back up systems can we institute if we know our electric can be knocked out? Pursuing options may include back up generators, ensuring there is wood accessible for a fireplace/wood stove, installing a gas fireplace, identifying family or friends nearby that would host you should they have backups and you don’t or can’t for whatever reason, etc.

Although weather events are outside of our control, our readiness and ability to respond efficiently and effectively is very much within our control. What we love is a powerful motivator to shift our focus from what we can’t to what we can affect. Doing this, we regain our power to direct out lives, even when our lives are impacted by forces beyond our control.

When it comes to nature disrupting our lives there are steps we can take in advance to protect what we love and ameliorate the impact of what we can’t control. What follows are some suggestions to do just that while maximizing our time, money, and sanity:

1. Purchase a supply of dried and canned foods, candles, matches, flashlights, batteries and water.
2. Have a solar, crank, and battery powered emergency radio in your dwelling.
3. Follow the directions given by the police and other health agencies, evacuating when and where directed.
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5. Consider purchasing a case of snap packs from a local outdoors store to keep hands and feet warm. These can be put anywhere where body warmth is desired.
6. Purchase ice or fill and freeze plastic containers of water to maintain cold in your refrigerator/freezer for a few extra days.
7. If you evacuate to a hotel, bring easy to prepare and non-perishable foods and a cooler. You will be able to make sandwiches, serve cereal, snack, and eat fresh fruits and veggies (carrots, celery, peppers, tomatoes, etc.) for a time regardless of the external conditions. It will also prevent you from having to use your gasoline to search for food.
8. Locate and have on hand crayons, pens, pencils, paper, art supplies books for reading and storytelling, board games, toys and other entertainment for all ages that doesn’t require electricity.
9.  Establish a communication plan with friends and family with whom you want to stay in touch. Have a car charger and back up storage battery to keep your mobile phones operable. Decide in advance what communication venues: phone, text, email, are realistic and possible.
10.  If you evacuate to a hotel, find out about their plan for hotel guests should the power go out. You may be safer at the hotel yet still without power if they have no backup or it fails.
11.  Charge all electronic devices prior to the onset of the weather event.
12.  Neaten up the house before the storm. Know where your supplies are. It’s not as easy to see or find necessary items when the lights go out.
13.  Stock up on pet supplies.
14. Sign up for text alerts from your state emergency management center and local utility companies if they offer such programs.
15. Have a chunk of cash on hand in case the ATM’s and banks go down temporarily or merchant credit card terminals are inoperable.
16.  If you must leave your house, leave a light that can be seen from outside on so friends and neighbors can check if your power is on from outside your house.
17.  If you feel stuck inside or restless you can get a great workout and release stress by going up and down any stairs in the building. Exercise will help you think clearer and sleep more soundly.
18. Photograph any damage to your home, car or other property for insurance purposes.
19. Fill your car’s gas tank and a couple of large (proper, approved) gasoline containers in advance of the storm. Gas may be temporarily unavailable afterwards.
20.  If you or a family member takes life preserving medications have at least a months supply on hand at all times. This need not be a man made crisis on top of a natural one!!!

Being prepared provides an immense sense of confidence and security and is totally achievable. Keep your focus on what you love.