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Sometimes an enormous emotional wave floods our experience.  It may be an unanticipated and prolonged illness of a loved one, an individual we placed our trust in that acted differently than we had anticipated, unhinging our sense of security in the world and cracking a primary relationship, a loss of a job in a global financial meltdown or a self-limiting local meltdown that changes our lifestyle and our dreams in the present, an accident that alters our destiny.

These situations come with little warning, or warnings we were too inexperienced to read accurately. We find ourselves clinging on to whatever remains solid, staying above the emotional tsunami with all our strength while swimming consciously towards solid ground. We stay afloat.  We practice lifesaving for those we care about inundated by the same wave. We swim and cling and find ourselves and our loved ones whole or perhaps less than whole yet on solid ground.  The waters have receded.  We are all here, or maybe one or more of us didn’t make it.

We look around and take our bearings.  The wave is gone.  There is relief.  We fall to the ground. Our emotional arms and legs are exhausted.  We found opportunity in the current, the flotsam and jetsam.   We maneuvered powerfully and discover that now our ability to move is temporarily absent.  Our energy is exhausted.  We look around.  Many of the pursuits we were engaged in prior to the tsunami have been swept away by the receding waters and scattered by the winds.  The work of gathering what remains and creating anew awaits us.

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If we allow this time for recharging we will build anew.  We will collect the pieces we desire to create as we are able.  This is practicing wellness, commitment, and vision.  Congratulations.