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Today is your day.

You are off to Great Places!

You are off and away!

You have the brains in your head.

You have the feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.

You’re on your own. And you know what you know.

And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

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 – Dr. Suess from “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”


Recognizing our ability to choose and the power that comes from it can have a dizzying effect.  Too much choice overwhelms us. The plethora of choices available is perhaps the very reason individuals limit their beliefs, hold on to assumptions and interpretations, and ultimately limit themselves. As a coach I find myself  facilitating my  clients to identify and focus on their deep inner values and objectives when assessing multiple options from which to make choices.   When the drivers of choice are at the level of the core values we hold, the process of choosing is simpler.

Once a destination is set, the route to get there is more obvious. There may still be a number of options to choose from yet if they all lead to the desired destination, the significance of which to choose lessens significantly. Rather than getting lost in the choosing process, the destination becomes the determining factor and the route is one of confidence, even when detours are discovered on the way.  The primary choice becomes the integral outcome desired according to these deep drivers. The secondary choice becomes the route traveled.  Oh the places you’ll go!