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Turbulence – AHHHHHH!!!!!

by Ali Skylar

Published in:  ArchivesWomen`s Issues

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Over the years I’ve gotten much better at relaxing into plane rides.  Pretty darn proud of myself.  But flying to California last week we hit turbulence –  I hate turbulence.  Scares the shit out of me and is a forebearer of bad tidings.  Or so I thought.

I looked around the cabin with the other 100 passengers and noone seemed to care.  People were sleeping and reading.  The flight attendants were non-chalantly asking folks to put their seatbelts on.

“Shit, why am I such a wuss?” thought I.  Okay, let’s examine this situation:

“Maybe turbulence is just a normal part of flying?  Rough patches, but that doesn’t mean I won’t get to my destination. Kinda like life.  We hit bumps all the time, but that’s a natural part of the human experience.  Storms among the sunny days, disappointments, illness, grief, but we keep on going, we keep trucking – or should I say flying.  SOARING is what I want to do – I want to soar among the clouds with my head held high, meeting the turbulence with faith and strength of spirit and a deep knowing that bumps don’t mean danger, or the end.”

It was the first time I relaxed into the unknown, into the turbulence of life, and like the other passengers was able to go back to reading and sleeping as I bounced up and down on my way to California ready to meet my daily turbulences with a bit more relaxation and faith….

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